“A man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh. So they are no longer two but one flesh.”
Mark 10:7-8
In a sacramental marriage, God’s love becomes present to the spouses in their total union and also flows through them to their family and community. The sacrament of Christian marriage involves their entire life as they journey together and become more able to give to and receive from each other. Their life becomes sacramental to the extent that the couple cooperates with God’s action in their life and sees themselves as living “in Christ” and Christ living and acting in their relationship, attitudes, and actions.

Getting Married at our Parish
Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials! Whether you are getting married here at Christ the King or outside our parish, we are here to help! To begin the marriage preparation process or to choose a date for your wedding, contact the parish office at 303-388-1643. We will discuss required documents, classes, and next steps. Though depending on your circumstances, here is an idea of what you may need before getting married:
Meeting(s) with priest or deacon
Baptism certificates with updated sacraments (if Catholic)
Theology of the Body classes
FOCCUS Inventory
Natural Family Planning (NFP) course
Freedom to Marry Testimony
Colorado Marriage License (if getting married in-state)
We do not offer classes here at Christ the King, but you can find information about these classes at the Archdiocese of Denver website. If you are interested in getting a non-Catholic marriage convalidated, contact us! We are more than happy to guide you through the process.

To inquire about getting married at our parish, fill out the form below.