On the First Friday of each month, Ablaze Denver holds a charismatic...
Boys and girls are eligible to serve at Mass from the time they have...
Bible study and contemplative prayer meeting...
We offer many opportunities to teach the Faith! We provide great...
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is available 9:00 AM — 5:00 PM each...
If you would like to help with distributing the Eucharist...
A family-based weekly program of Faith Formation and Sacrament...
Also called the Act of Reparation to the Immaculate Heart of...
We collect non-perishable food items and needed articles, such as school supplies, shoes...
A Catholic men's fraternal organization in service of the Church and specifically the parish...
Proclaim the Word of God and communicate the truths contained in Holy Scripture...
Join this morning Bible Study Men’s Group led by Dwayne Bollig on Tuesday mornings
Join the evening Men’s Bible Study led by Brandon Johnson and Fr. Tom Kuffel on Monday...
Are you a gifted musician looking for a unique way to contribute to your...
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process to welcome...
The process for Children/Youth to become Catholic
Are you passionately pro-life and want to help us pray for the protection...
Help run the soundboard at Mass and events, and aid in smooth and...
The second Tuesday of each month, the Senior Sack Lunch Group brings...
Starting December 2023, generous parishioners will be volunteering...